The back of this small enclosed garden sloped dramatically upwards; great for sledging in the winter, but it was disconcerting to open the front door and look straight through to a ‘wall’ of grass at the end of the plot. Longacres Landscape stripped out the first section of grass and created 3 levels of terracing using softwood mini sleepers.
The bottom tier has low growing plants including soft fruit, the central section is big enough to sit in, whilst the top tier is planted up with a mix of shrubs, climbers and perennials to soften the boundary fence. The planting creates a lovely focal point at the end of the garden and the terraces have increased the usability of the space.

The planting features perennials for seasonal colour, grasses for texture/movement and herbs for fragrance.
All the plants selected are reasonably drought tolerant once established and will enjoy baking in the sunshine.